
21 July – 2 September 2023 | Halle

Elektrohalle Rhomberg is very pleased to present the first solo exhibition of the German artist Julian Heuser (born 1986 in Frankfurt, lives and works in Frankfurt) at Elektrohalle. On display are newly developed, object-like paintings on wood - for this he uses the traditional medium of painting as a projection surface and, through the combined use of digital and analog materials, questions our relationship to the ever-increasing influence of modern screen surfaces. What kind of spaces are created by our increasingly flat vision, how do we communicate with each other, and what role does chance play in the digital transmission of information?

Auf dem Klo brennt noch Licht, 2023

Acrylic, oilpastel, marker, spraypaint, paper on wood

120 x 120 x 21 cm

selected artworks

installation views