Born 1992 in Vienna (AUT), lives and works in Frankfurt am Main (GER)

2023 Graduation Master Student Fine Arts, University of Fine Arts Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main Class Prof. Judith Hopf

2022 Diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Class Prof. Julian Göthe

2018/19 Tokyo University of the Arts, Geidai exchange semester in Sculpture and Crafts Department Textile Arts

2018 BA degree TransArts, transdisciplinary art, University of Applied Arts, Vienna

2017 - 2022 Object Sculpture, Prof. Julian Göthe, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

2016 - 2017/18 Graphics and Printmaking, Prof. Veronika Dirnhofer, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

2017 - 2018 Sculpture and Space, Prof. Hans Schabus, University of Applied Arts, Vienna

2015 - 2018 TransArts - transdisciplinary art, University of Applied Arts, Vienna

2014 - 2015 Philosophy, University of Vienna

2014 Bachelor degrees in Art History and German Philology, University of Vienna

In the play of emotionality entangled in tragedy and comedy, Aline Sofie Rainer tells – always gently and thoughtfully – of interpersonal encounters, amorous relationships and sensitive erotica. In essential connection with her personal impression and under the motif of innerness she elaborates scenes of sensitive twosomeness.

Aline Sofie Rainer, Rücken an Rücken oder Seite an Seite, 2021

oil on canvas, 50 x 75 cm

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